Sunday, June 16, 2024

Monday, November 7, 2022

D6 Do Something / Anything Roll

 D6 Do something / anything roll

6 Fugging Einstein - Defeat one enemy or make something happen - be graphic

5 Devil's Advocate - wound an enemy / something you wanted has mostly happened

4 Scotch Foil - wound an enemy but lose next action / Something you wanted mostly happened along with some stuff you didn't want.

3. Uhhh Not sure what happened or maybe nothing happened - regardless lose next action regardless next roll -1

2. You tried and that is important. Take a wound and or be knocked out. -2 Next Roll

1 do we even have to talk about it? Accept the fact that the gods hate you. -3 Next Roll..Next player is at -1

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thaumaturgy Art of Alchemy


Thaumaturgy Art of Alchemy

* Minor Potions – These are simple creations that are slightly stronger than their normal counterparts. May heal 1 level of Bash Damage. Example Perfume or lipstick that add 1 dot to Appearance. Example Hang Over Cure that works.

Mechanics Applicable Knowledge Ability usually Medicine + Intelligence. Target between 6 to 8. Common ingredients $2 to $50.

** Intermediate Mystical Potions – With this level the Thaumaturgist may invest powers from * to ** from other Disciplines the Thaumaturgist or Donor has into a concoction. Example creates a potion that gives Auspex ** to whoever drinks it. Create a Potion that gives whoever drinks it Dominate * could be made. Mechanics this takes 3 to 8 rounds depending on how many Disciplines are invested. Take note and write down success total. For the success total shall be conveyed to whoever imbibes the potion. Each Discipline must have at least 2 success to be invested into a potion. Cost or ingredients may range from $100 to $1000.

*** Create Greater Potions

1. Miracle Healing (Subject can not be damaged more than Crippled)

2. Transmute Lead to Gold (last 7 months)

3. Flying (last 2 hours)

4. True Love (as per the merit / flaw last 7 days)

5. Change of Luck

6. Invisibility (last 4 hours)

7. Super Heroism / Beserker Potion

8. Elixir of Power

9. Polymorph to Must include hair, claw, or feather of creature (last 24hrs)

10 Potion of Gaseous Form

11. Potion of Spirit Control (last 24hr)

12 Potion of Umbral Travel

13 Potion of Rapid Plant Growth & Control (last 7days)

14 Potion of Minor Divinations

15 Potion of Animal Control (last 8hr)

16 Potion of Fae Summoning (Summons a Commoner Fae for up to 12hr d10+2)

17 Potion of Protection from Wood / Stake (36hrs)

18 Potion of Iron Will (last 7 days)

Reverses of many of these can be made

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 to determine how many hours to brew. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 6 with minimum 2 Success for every hour. Every hour of brew +2 = months potion shelf life.

Duration = 10 minutes for imbibers Stamina + Willpower unless stated other.

Cost of ingredients $1000 to $5,000 per hour to brew.

**** Potions of Legends

1. Cheat Death (Subject can not be more than 24hr deceased)

2. Animate Dead (Duration 1d10+2 Days)

3. Temporary Mortality (Vampire can become mortal for up 48hrs)

4. Mummy Control (Mummy must be within sight of Imbiber – Duration is up to 72hrs)

5. Intermediate Mystical Potion Permanence (Drink Intermediate Mystical Potion + this one)

6. Potion of Reincarnation (Spin the Wheel of Fortune and immediately be reborn anew)

7. Potion of Demon or Angel Summoning (up to 8hr)

8. Potion of Elemental Summoning (24hr duration)

9. Potion of Dragon Summoning (duration unknown)

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 +8 to determine how many hours to brew. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 7 with minimum 2 Success for every hour. Every hour of brew +2 = years potion shelf life.

Duration = 1hr for imbibers Stamina + Willpower unless stated other.

Cost of ingredients $5000 to $25,000 per hour to brew.

***** Grand Master Alchemist

1. Create Philosophers Stone (??????)

2. Create Golem (create as ghoul npc +3 Disciplines Dots & Stamina 8)

3. Create Homunculi (create as a ghoul npc + 9 Discipline Dots, Stamina 6 & Intelligence 6)

4 Living Sword (Lives for 100yrs – Att is 12 die, Diff is -1, Dam is 7, #Attacks 3)

5. Create Ambrosia (permanent)

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 to determine how many years to create. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 9 with minimum 2 Success for every month. Every month of work +2 = century creations shelf life.

Cost of ingredients $250,000 to $3,000,000 per year to create.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

New Thaumaturgy Power of Mirrors and Reflections


Thaumaturgy Power of Mirrors and Reflections

* Reflexio Contrarotulus (Reflection Control)                                                                      

Thaumaturgist can control or alter a reflection or image in a mirror, lens, plane of glass.  The Thaumaturgist can use a prepped reflective surface for remote viewing Occult + Manipulation Diff 7 –  must be in view of Thaumaturgist or the mirror / reflective surface at target location has been prepped with a drop of Thaumaturgist blood it last 31 days. Pool of standing water or sheet of glass 1 drop of Blood for up to 6’ x 8’. Running water, ragging river, or surf 3 drops for up to 3’ diameter area. Viewing through moving water or controlling an image in moving water is Diff 10. Great Masters can edit what the finest digital cameras can capture. The Thaumaturgist must be at least 1 dot higher than a targets Obfuscate to see them in a mirror.

** Catoptromanticks (Mirror Divination)                                                                                    Thaumaturgist can use a mirror / reflective surface for divination / ask simple questions.                   Roll Willpower Diff 8 – need 4 or more success needed / alternate permanently spend Willpower Point.

*** Speculum Peritia (Mirror Great Skill)                                                                                           Same as Level 1 Reflexio Contrarotulus but can now communicate 2 way and use Kindred Disciplines (Auspex, Dominate, Quietus, Presence, Animalism, Serpentis, Obtenebration, Obfuscate, Thaumaturgy, Chimerstry, and Necromancy) Any power in which speaking to or simply seeing the target is enough. If touch is required to target it will not work.

**** Repercussus Iter (Mirror Journey)                                                                                Thaumaturgist can travel to a location using the first 3 dots of this power to see / visualize. They must be able to see the location clearly.  *Requires 1 round of undisturbed viewing and then Perception +Empathy and the Target 6.

***** Speculum Carcer (Mirror Prison)                                                                                            Imprison any person, animal, or supernatural being in a mirror / reflective surface.  Must be able to clearly view target with powers * to ***.  Need 1 round of Viewing Clearly. Then spend 1 Blood Point and Roll Occult + Strength and Target Equals Targeted Subjects Current Willpower Rating +1. *** After 24hrs the Imprisoned Subject may attempt to break free – Roll Their Willpower and the Target Equals the Spell Casters Willpower at time of spell casting + 2. (note it down) Needs 4 Success and the usual carryover for attempts does not apply. Subject could be imprisoned until reflective surface is physically destroyed or if water the 31 Days expires.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Session #5 Played 1/29/21 – The RAID


Session #5 Played 1/29/21 – The RAID

The recently vaccinated Simon the Computer Store Owner is sent home and Maliki announces the store is closing.

Felix offers Maliki a lift home. As they pull up they see a strange black van with the name of some Goth Punk Band spray painted on the side. They get a little closer to Maliki’s Mansion (it’s a really large and well to do house) they notice the front door is wide open. Maliki and Felix see the Butler tied to a column and wearing pink panties on his head. The duo untie the butler who is muttering they are Evil. They are barbarians!.

They enter the house and are immediately greeted by a 5’4” Japanese Girl wielding a giant electric guitar. Behind her are several stacks of guitar amps. One of the men says Cease and Desist. The young lady shouts By Fan Request Cease and Desist! She begins wailing out an extremely fast and loud song on the guitar.

Maliki has been image searching on his phone and finds out the young lady is Midori a relatively successful extreme guitar artist. He finds out she is also a Manga Artist and draws herself as a Guitar Playing / Sword Wielding Anti Hero in an Underground Manga. Apparently the guitar hides a magic sword. Maliki decides to start live streaming her playing on his phone. All the while Felix is tripping balls. He used Auspex to check out a Cultist of Ecstasy Mage while said mage is using a magic focus. He is getting an acid trip that would make Timothy Leary jealous.

Maliki gets an upstairs bedroom alarm text on his phone. He shakes Felix out of it and says Upstairs! Decides to leave the phone so that it can keep live streaming the show. It has a decent amount of viewers.

They enter the bedroom and see a young lady with purple dreadlocks bouncing on the bed. Apparently she is wearing nothing but one of Maliki’s Star Wars T Shirts. She notices them and says Hi my name is Git R’ Done Jackson. Then she take a big leap up in the air. Maliki instantly puts out his hand and Force Grabs her in mid air. He gently lands her on the floor.

Suddenly the bathroom door fly’s open. Out steps Priscilla Pris Death Kiss the blonde from the car earlier. She is dressed in camo fatigues with layers of guns, knives, grenades, and ammo. She sees Maliki and says Is it just you two? Where is your Strike Team? Listen we are the diversion team and you guys are the heroes who make the swap. Swap this the real cure vaccine for the fake cursed vaccine at the enemy base. Get on your phone get your team here. Oh the client is paying us this time $75K each. These guys are serious. The already took out a whole werewolf strike team the other night.

We cut to JJ Jenkins who has been trying to set up a meeting with the Church Investigation Team. He believes a peaceful resolution can be achieved. He is directed to a hotel to meet with them. The door is open. Inside passed out and clutching a wine bottle tightly to her chest is a nun lying on the bed. He taps her gently trying to wake her. Nothing but snoring. He shakes her again a little more violently and finally gets her to wake up. She informs him they have a job to do. Tells him all about the plan to steal the fake cursed vaccine and swap it for a the good one. She hands him 75K and they contact the others. JJ arranges to go grab a burner car. The Nun said in addition the Church will drop the investigation and forget about everything. Astrid and her Vargulf Gang will be sent somewhere else to cause trouble.

The others had made contact and recruited Reginald and Medusa to go on this mission. They all meet up just down the road from the Target Site. Plans are made and remade.

The Blonde’s Team distracts the security of the complex while JJ leads the others inside to make the swap. Suddenly JJ realizes it is trap. At the same time Reginald makes contact with a really old and low generation Lasombra who is buried deep below their feet. He is not the only one. Medusa is barely able to hold off the beast and going after the blood of the weakened old Lasombra. Her Diablerist Anonymous Meetings paid off and she is able to resist the urges. JJ says F this and goes makes the swap.

Heading back to their vehicles they become aware of a squad of soldiers milling around. Their officer has taken out a camera and it trying to take pictures. Reginald does a thing and makes the camera lens black. Maliki uses the Force to draw their pistols and have them aimed at the soldiers. This sort of works. The soldiers are neutralized and the gang gets away. Looking back they see lots of devastation from the other team. Reginald is contacted by the Ancient Lasombra that was trapped. It got out and owes him.

Now what was Franco V up to this whole time. Well he got the Covid. A mild case. He was contacted by Akmed Abdullah an Old Child of Set and ally. Akmed tells him has 999 Swords put in place to take revenge. We just need a target. Franco V tells him. Akmed agrees but wants to renew blood bonds first. He will be in town tomorrow night.  Set will have his vengeance. 

Thus Ends Session 5

Session #4 1/22/21 – Employees Only


Session #4 1/22/21 – Employees Only

New Characters Enter the Story

Felix Von Messor – Malkavian Bravo and Legendary Hacker. He has a dark reputation as someone not to cross on the internet. Long time member of the Malkavian Information Network and a regular at the Spies Demise.

Maliki Ivan Jones – Human Sorcerer – just a nice guy trying to do a job at the computer store. Believed to be the person responsible for stealing vitae and killing a Camarilla Kindred in Orange County.

Medusa - A Very Old Child of Set. Known Diablerist and Mistress of the occult. Uses Mask of a Thousand Faces a lot to blend into society. Has snakes for hair and green / blueish scaly skin.

Sister Laura Elsona Skywalker – Celestial Chorus, Society of Leopold, and the Hellsing Organization UK. Known Faith Worker of Miracles for the church. Apparent Age 21

Priscilla “Pris” Death Kiss – Order of Euthanatos – Known to wear flowers and bright colors. Hangs around Verbenna and Cultist of Ecstasy. Performs Tattoo Magic and has 9 Dragon Tattoo. Appears to be age 31.

Astrid Torahammas – Vargulf Berserker of the Full Moon – Just a good, kind hearted, and pure of heart Catholic School Girl. Known to work Miracles of Faith. Known to carry a giant magic bathtub to take blood baths during battles in (it used to belong to her grandma). Has a humungus silver sword. Lives in Laguna Beach. 6’1” blonde with green eyes.

Simmone – Vargulf Fianna Bard – Just an average Catholic School Girl who likes to write poetry. Known for Pyrotechnics and Summoning Fire Elementals. Said to have the Ancient Power of Fianna’s Kiss. Known to have the power of Geas. Wields The Holy Mace of Purifying Flame an Ancient Catholic Relic. Red hair and green eyes 5’9”.

Rhodo – Vargulf??? Some Kind of Giant Black Bird Person – Bard??? Once upon a time Rhodo would not shut up. Never stop talking, singing, rapping, or yelling. Claimed to be descended from Canary’s and Cockatoos. Then one fine day an order of Verbena Witches and Dreamspeakers decided to save Gaia from the noise pollution. Since then Rhodo has never made a sound. Known to have a pair of magic daggers. Apparent age at times changes. Believed to be an illusionist.

We last left off Reginald was taking Franco V back to the Setite House in Riverside. As they pull up they see Medusa talking to Mr. Morehouse a 6th Gen Ventrue. Mr. Morehouse is a member of Medusa’s Diablerist Anonymous Club (together we can beat the addiction). Soon the group gets to talking and Mr. Morehouse mentions that a special delicacy is said to be available in town. He believes that Franco V was offered it to buy by a certain Lasombra. If anyone should come across it again. Mr. Morehouse is willing to pay $20mil no make that $30mil for the Cup of Souls.

We skip forward to the next scene. Back at the Computer Store

Recently hired new guy Maliki Ivan Jones has recently started his shift at the cash register. Then suddenly a Nun and two Catholic School Girls walk inside the store. With beaming smiles they walk up to the register each carrying a bag that says Donations. Maliki remembers his training and takes $10 out of the register and gives to one of the girls. Then he says he will check the back room. There may be some stuff back there. As he is about to go to the back he suddenly realizes where he has seen the Nun before. As his eyes travel over to the wanted poster by the cash register so too does the Nun’s.

She is infuriated and upset. She tears the poster off and stomps on it while muttering curses. This action draws the attention of store regular Felix Von Messor. Felix immediately calls the number on the poster and reports the incident. Immediately government looking cars and people in black suits & sunglasses are pouring out of cars. Felix sees all this and runs. Grabs Maliki’s hand and says get in the back and take cover.

About this time Reginald has pulled up to the computer store. It was the last place the Cup of Souls was seen. What he sees is a lot of government agents types preparing to raid the store. Reginald enters the store on the pretense he is there to buy the hot new PC Game Title.

The Nun is standing in the middle of the store, tapping her foot with a hand on her hip. She seems very upset and is waiting to talk to the manager of the Men in Black that have entered the store. A gentleman in a gray suit steps out of a computer monitor and begins having a conversation with the Nun. The Catholic School Girls are watching the Nun talk to the Man in the Grey Suit.

Felix and Maliki on not hearing gun fire stick their heads out to see what is going on. Store Employee Maliki sees a customer – Reginald steps up to the Cash Register. Maliki’s Training takes over and he approaches the Cash Register. Reginald ask him where the games are and is directed to a shelf of games.

While Reginald peruses the game titles. The shorter of the Catholic School Girls walks over to the shelf and then suddenly leans forward and sniffs Reginald. Almost like a curious dog or wolf would.

This causes Reginald to step back shocked by such behavior. The girl flashes a mischievous and knowing smile at Reginald.

Meanwhile the Nun has stopped talking to the Grey Man and together they approach the Cash Register and Maliki. The Grey Man begins demanding to go inspect the back room of the store. Maliki puts out a hand to stop him. Informs him that it is Employees Only. Even points to the sign on the door.

The Nun Lady observes this and she steps forward to apparently go in the forbidden back room. She waves her hand and says I have authority to enter. For those that can sense or see such things a whole lot of magic just went off.

Maliki says You are not an Employee. For those that can observe does some magic himself.

The Nun takes a step back and takes a quick glance at her watch. Then she smiles and winks at Maliki.

Unknown to the players Rhodo who has been watching the back of the store. Upon on all the activity in the front of the store. Well he sent a Net Spider to the Nuns Watch to type out the message. I entered the back of the store. Observing most curious individual. Situation is normal. I got it in hand boss.

All this time in the back of the store Felix has been setting up equipment and hacking into the security system and recording cell phone id and activity. He sees Simon out front of the store talking with the Men in Black. Then he becomes aware of a Bird Like Man watching him. The Bird Man is about 7ft tall and is covered in jet black feathers. Upon being detected the bird man extends a wing / arm and takes a coffee cup off the shelf. Then takes a dagger and pricks his finger letting 3 drops of blood fall into the coffee cup. Winks at Felix and then suddenly fly’s off / disappears.

Felix’s attention is divided between the bird man and watching Simon the Store Owner outside talking with the Men in Black.

Unfortunately Felix does not see Simon get into one of the cars with the Men in Black. The Men in Black Suit Guys appear to be leaving the store. Reginald purchases his game. He notices they are leaving and is thinking of leaving as well.

Stop here for now and cut over to Franco V and Medusa.

Franco V has been contacted by a Malkavian Anarch who claims to have found the wallet of Murdered Sebastian V. A price is negotiated as well as a meeting spot. The dumpster behind Church’s Chicken will serve as the meeting spot.

Franco and Medusa decide to take a Uber Black to the meet up. They decide to dine on the Uber Driver. They do not kill him. Just snacking. (later in Session 5 they make roles to see if they have contracted Covid).

The meet goes down and Franco gets the wallet. Immediately he uses Auspex to see the last images of Sebastian V. He is inside a van and sees a face he does not know. Then hears a voice he knows. Then Sebastian is thrown out of the van. As he is dying exposed to sunlight, he is able to throw his wallet into some bushes.

Franco shares the information with Medusa and they head home.

Back at the store Felix comes out from the back and has a talk with the Grey Suit Man. Those School Girls buy some games and have a conversation with Reginald. During this the Grey Man and the last of the Men in Black leave the store.

Suddenly the Catholic School Girls change shape into large Prehistoric Looking Folk. This causes Maliki to go running out of the store. After a few steps Maliki feels like he is being followed. He finds his car and starts driving. Slowly he becomes aware a Blonde Woman is filling the passenger seat. He decides to keep driving and pretend this is normal.

She tells him to her name is Priscilla and she is of the Order of Euthanatos. She tells him they took Simon and most likely will inject him with a fake vaccine. She tells him to go back to the store and she will be in touch. Priscilla then leans over and kisses him and disappears.

Maliki returns to the store apparently only Regular Customer Felix is still there. Maliki ask Felix where is Simon the Store Owner? Felix calls Simon’s Phone. In short they find out the number has been reassigned by Verizon.

An upset and angry Felix contacts the Grey Man Agent 003. During the conversation it is agreed that Simon will be returned to the store. Unfortunately he has been vaccinated per Covid Procedures.

Shortly Simon is dropped off by a Lyft Driver out front of the store. Something does not seem right. Felix uses Auspex to check out Simon and notices a strange black worm like thing swirling around in his aura.

Session #4 - End

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Session #3 1/15/21 - A Scare at the Circle K

 Session #3 1/15/21 - A Scare at the Circle K

Making a First Appearance

Reginald the Senior – Very Old Ghoul of Clan Lasombra. He is so old he does not remember his birthday. He is respected for his age & experience. Often seen as the top ghoul in the pecking order. The Anarch Council knows a task placed in Reginald’s Care will be done and professional. This evening he has been asked to go see if Evelyn needs some help. Do assist if possible.

So near the end of Session #2 Mike Walters got a message from his only surviving mortal family member. His Niece is apparently in trouble. Her pack is going to battle. They have no choice but to fight the toxic polluters. They are releasing a virus. She was told if she ever was in serious trouble to contact him.

After the battle is over from Session 2. He ask Franco V to back him up he has to see about something. It might get rough. Franco V agrees to go with Mike Walters.

The address she gave takes them to a burnt down strip mall. They find some werewolves fighting some people. One of the wolves goes down. Mike makes haste getting out of the car and into action. Franco V uses Obfuscate and exits the vehicle slowly taking in the surroundings. Another wolf goes down and yet another is thrown some distance away. Mike is sure that is his niece.

Mike hurries over to his niece. Before he can get there a big werewolf comes to her side. Apparently getting ready to pick her up. Mike and the werewolf argue over who is rescuing her.

The group fighting the wolves is charging at them. Mike and the werewolf decide to have this argument elsewhere. The werewolf steps sideways and enters the umbra. Mike uses his magic phone to enter the umbra. Then they speed off towards the mountains.

This whole time Franco V is studying the corpse of a fallen werewolf while safely Obfuscated from view. The werewolves & Mike Walters stop at a clearing up in the mountains. The werewolf says there is an old healer at this place. Mike satisfied she will live takes off heading back towards Franco V. All this travel took place in the Umbra so it only took a little over a minute.

Franco is just observing the aftermath of the battle and transformation of some of the fallen werewolves from monstrous beast to humans. Then Mike Walters steps out of the shadows and says we have to go now. They jump in the car and get out of there.

On the freeway Mike Walters sees a Hells Angel Gang Member Pulled over and getting taken down by Several Highway Patrolmen. He guns the car and drives into the two patrol bikes. Franco V fires off some rounds from his Glock in the air. This is America you Pigs! The Hells Angel gets away.

Meanwhile at the Zoetrope Society Theater (Site of Session 2’s Big Battle). Evelyn has nominated JJ for site cleanup duty. As JJ rolls up his sleeves in walks Reginald. The two exchange pleasantries as Reginald sees Evelyn. As Reginald takes in the scene Evelyn excuses herself from the theater.

Reginald gets a call from his current Master. After the call Reginald decides he has to go to a hospital and see what's going on with a patient there.

Reginald arrives at the hospital and finds the patient. Some questions are asked nicely. Some question are asked not so nicely. In the end Reginald is stumped. He has decided that he needs to talk to the Children of Set.

Mike Walters and Franco V decide they need to get the car off the road. They find a Circle K. About this time JJ calls. He is helping Reginald get in touch with the Setite Elder Franco V.

Soon everyone is shopping inside the Circle K. Then 3 armed men storm inside the store demanding money! JJ wins initiative and uses a Dread Gaze on them.

The armed men and the cashier run away out of the store. Mike Walters chases down the leader of the armed men. He tackles him down to the ground and forces him to drink some blood. Makes a ghoul out of the man. Mike tells him to come back to this spot tomorrow night. Mike walks over to a tree and uses Protean – Earth Meld to spend the morning at the park.

Back at the store JJ continues shopping while Franco V and Reginald talk. Presently the store clerk walks back in trying to act like she was just outside on a break. Franco V and Reginald head off towards the Setite Mansion in the hills. JJ drives off to see his squeeze Carla.

-Session #3 End