My Method of Hunting and Using Herd for VTM


My Method of Hunting and Using Herd for VTM

Because you gotta EAT!

Hunting is usually either a Streetwise + Charisma or Security + Wits roll to find a victim. The diff is usually a 7. Then Stealth + Dex Roll to sneak up for the attack.

Using Fangs is a called strike to the jugular or other vein - Dex + Brawl Diff = 7 to 9. Each success = 1 blood point added to Blood Pool. Max of 8 before victim goes unconscious. More than 9 is generally death for the victim.

Herd use is the same as Hunting. Just each dot in Herd reduces the diff by 1. In addition each dot in Herd gives an attempt for the night. So 3 dots Herd would be difficulty 4 to find a donor. Then Subterfuge + Charisma or Intimidation + Manipulation to solicit a donation.

The benefit of Herd is less likely to have police or hunter involvement. Generally less dead bodies. However Herd will at times call upon the kindred for favors.

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