First Let's Get The Story Updated

 *Cough* *Cough* So what is happening in the World of Darkness 2020 soon to be 2021?  Well a certain Pentex partnered Chinese Bio Company decided the common cold needed a little spicing up.   Now we have a major world wide pandemic.  Oh you are not mortal.  You feel safe then?  Don't be cocky!  I have information that even Wraiths have to fear this disease.  It's not natural.  Wear your little mask and stay hidden in your coffin.  Maybe the scary thing will not find you.  

Meanwhile everyday the Anarchs get stronger and bolder.  The Camarilla and the Sabbat get weaker.  Oh so they say.   It's hard to to pretend nothing is wrong out there?  Rebellion and Anarchy seem to be everywhere.  What happened? 

For over a hundred years the sages and seers of the Kindred claimed that in the coming new millennia the Great Old Farts would wake up and begin destroying all us NuKids.  Y2k came and went.  Now 20+ years later the NuKids are no longer frightened by such ghost stories.  Promises of power if you join some secret Kult and obey their crazy rules to earn favors from the Old Farts when they wake up.  Well Black Hand you don't scare us anymore. Membership in the Camarilla, Sabbat and the Black Hand have dwindled.  While the Anarchs numbers rise.  We are the Freedom!  We are the Future!  Be a Anarchist!

I know you are going to say those others claim that Malkav and Ravnos teamed up to prank us all.  They changed all the dates and it's really 1984.  Well that could explain a lot. Not going to lie.  Most likely just more propaganda & lies to bring us all under the Big 3's Heel again. 

Have you tasted the blood of a rioting raging mortal?  Nothing sweeter and more delicious.  Be careful Hunters, Wolves, Sorcerers, and other Immortals are out there.  Very few of them friendly or non aggro towards us.  Don't antagonize them by crying out VLM like some total Baka!

How have we been able to do it?  First we got some Karens.  No really, a Sabbat Tremere named Karen Diablorized her way to the 4th Gen.  This was in 2000 or 2001 but in 2003 she announced her new Blooodline the Karens where leaving the Sabbat and joining the Anarchs in Southern California. There is over 1500 of them now.  Thankfully most of them are in the South West. 

MagiKid The Ever Hungry One seriously creeps me out.  Like Billy the Kid they say he has drained the blood of over 21 Kindred.  Somehow got away with it!  If he and his ilk were not Tremere (again with the Tremere Clan) I might be able to stand them.  His Generation ??????  A Tremere told me MagiKid is the most Wiz Bang of all Tremere except Old Tremere himself.  Got declared a Anarch Hero by saving Robin of Loxley in 2007.  Named Anarch Councilor of Magic in 2008.  They say there is about 600 Children of MagiKid.  Again all in the South West. 

In 2011 a large group of Lasombra and Tzimisce (pronounced Shimishay) left the Sabbat and joined the Anarchs in Los Angeles, California. Their Leader Ionut  Ciobanu of Clan Tzimisce has been prominent in the Black Hand or so it is said.  Since 2011 they are usually the ones in the Vanguard leading the way to Anarch Victories.

This bring us to my least favorite best friends and good allies that are guaranteed to stake you in the heart if you give them a chance.  The Setites and in particular the Cult of Sekhmet Bloodline.  I just whish they where always in Fertility Goddess Mode.  Not so much Uber Ruthless Killer of Killers Mode. No one can quite remember when they joined the ranks in the early 2000's.  However their ability to infiltrate, acquire secrets, and kill is a big part of  why we have been so successful against the Sabbat and Camarilla. 

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