Creating Your Character

First go ahead and make at least 2 Characters 

Think do you want to be Vampire, Ghoul (human vampire servant), Human Sorcerer, Human Gypsy, Human Vampire Hunter / Thrill Seeker, Wraith, Mummy, Highlander Style Immortal, or a Changeling?

Your Characters are basically Anarch Heroes / Minor War Lords.  As such you will start with 5pt Flaw Notorious / Wanted by Camarilla. 

You will have the 5pt Merit - Veteran of War / Wars - You have either  +1  Attack or 2 Success for Attack or Damage Rolls 1x per Game Session. 

All Characters will start with 2 Dots in Computer.  It's 2020 / 2021 Grandma's in retirement homes can work computers now. 

Vampire Characters - Clans Available Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Ventrue Antitribu (a few left the Sabbat), Tremere (either MagiKid or Karen Bloodline), Setites / Children of Sekhmet, Ravnos / Ravnos Antitribu, Panders, Lasombra, Tzimisce, and Caitif (although you will be pressured to join the Panders)

Attributes 8/6/4 - Abilities 15/10/6 - Disciplines 4 - Backgrounds 6 - Virtues or Path 7 - Freebie Points 16

Ghouls - Clans Same Availability as Vampire Clans 

Attributes 7/5/4 - Abilities 11/7/4 - Disciplines Potence 1dot plus 1 other - Backgrounds 4 - Virtues 8 - Path 6 - Starting Blood Pool roll 1d10 - Freebie Points 23

Human Sorcerer - Attributes 6/5/4 - Abilities 11/7/4 - Backgrounds 7 - Paths 6 - Rituals 5 - Virtues 9 - Freebie Points 23

Human Gypsy - Attributes 6/5/4 - Abilities 12/8/6 - Backgrounds 6 - Virtues 9 - Freebie Points 23

Human Vampire Hunter / Thrill Seeker - Attributes 7/5/4 - Abilities 14/9/7 - Backgrounds 6 -  Virtues 9, - Freebie Points 23

Wraith  - Attributes 6/5/4 - Abilities 13/9/5 - Arcanos 6 - Passions 11 - Fetters 10 - Backgrounds 9 - Willpower 6 -  Pathos 6 + Memoriam - Freebie Points 21

Mummy - Attributes 8/6/4 - Abilities 20/15/10 - Hekau Paths 4 dots + 1 dot in Necromancy - Backgrounds 7 - Virtues 7 dots - Sekhem 3 - Ka 5 - Freebie Points 30

Highlander Immortal - PM so we can do do a age roll and work out how many points you have and if you have a Mentor.

Changeling - Attributes 8/6/4 - Abilities 14/10/6 - Arts 5 - Realms 7 - Backgrounds 6 - Freebie Points 19

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