Creating a Child of Karen or a Child of MagiKid for Clan Tremere

 To create a Child of Karen 

1. Follow the Tremere Antitribu as much as possible.

2. Maximum Generation is 6th Gen (Karen became 5th Gen in the early 2000's through Diablerie of a Ancient Gangrel.).

3. In 2003 Karen rebelled against Goratrix and left the Sabbat.  She announced her own bloodline in the Anarchs.  Since then has been very busy creating new childer as possible.

4. Lots of  Gangrel are openly hostile towards Karens.  Take Enemy Gangrels as 3pt Flaw

5. Humanity is not possible so pick one of the Sabbat Paths or any other Path.

6. Weakness is Confrontational / Argument Seeking

To create a Child of MagiKid

1. Follow the regular Tremere as much as possible.  MagiKid started as a Camarilla Tremere.  

2. Maximum Generation is currently 7th (MagiKid has made it to 6th Gen through Diablerie many times).

3. MagiKid has drank the blood and Diableried many Kindred going from 10th gen to 6th.  Rumors say he has drank the blood of 21 Kindred.  Actual number is more like 15.  

4. As you may guess being a childe of MagiKid Bloodline is going to make you notorious and have lots of enemies. This is 5pt Flaw.

5. Humanity is not possible so pick one of the Sabbat Paths or any other Path.

6. Weakness is Timming Frenzy

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