Friday, February 5, 2021

Session #4 1/22/21 – Employees Only


Session #4 1/22/21 – Employees Only

New Characters Enter the Story

Felix Von Messor – Malkavian Bravo and Legendary Hacker. He has a dark reputation as someone not to cross on the internet. Long time member of the Malkavian Information Network and a regular at the Spies Demise.

Maliki Ivan Jones – Human Sorcerer – just a nice guy trying to do a job at the computer store. Believed to be the person responsible for stealing vitae and killing a Camarilla Kindred in Orange County.

Medusa - A Very Old Child of Set. Known Diablerist and Mistress of the occult. Uses Mask of a Thousand Faces a lot to blend into society. Has snakes for hair and green / blueish scaly skin.

Sister Laura Elsona Skywalker – Celestial Chorus, Society of Leopold, and the Hellsing Organization UK. Known Faith Worker of Miracles for the church. Apparent Age 21

Priscilla “Pris” Death Kiss – Order of Euthanatos – Known to wear flowers and bright colors. Hangs around Verbenna and Cultist of Ecstasy. Performs Tattoo Magic and has 9 Dragon Tattoo. Appears to be age 31.

Astrid Torahammas – Vargulf Berserker of the Full Moon – Just a good, kind hearted, and pure of heart Catholic School Girl. Known to work Miracles of Faith. Known to carry a giant magic bathtub to take blood baths during battles in (it used to belong to her grandma). Has a humungus silver sword. Lives in Laguna Beach. 6’1” blonde with green eyes.

Simmone – Vargulf Fianna Bard – Just an average Catholic School Girl who likes to write poetry. Known for Pyrotechnics and Summoning Fire Elementals. Said to have the Ancient Power of Fianna’s Kiss. Known to have the power of Geas. Wields The Holy Mace of Purifying Flame an Ancient Catholic Relic. Red hair and green eyes 5’9”.

Rhodo – Vargulf??? Some Kind of Giant Black Bird Person – Bard??? Once upon a time Rhodo would not shut up. Never stop talking, singing, rapping, or yelling. Claimed to be descended from Canary’s and Cockatoos. Then one fine day an order of Verbena Witches and Dreamspeakers decided to save Gaia from the noise pollution. Since then Rhodo has never made a sound. Known to have a pair of magic daggers. Apparent age at times changes. Believed to be an illusionist.

We last left off Reginald was taking Franco V back to the Setite House in Riverside. As they pull up they see Medusa talking to Mr. Morehouse a 6th Gen Ventrue. Mr. Morehouse is a member of Medusa’s Diablerist Anonymous Club (together we can beat the addiction). Soon the group gets to talking and Mr. Morehouse mentions that a special delicacy is said to be available in town. He believes that Franco V was offered it to buy by a certain Lasombra. If anyone should come across it again. Mr. Morehouse is willing to pay $20mil no make that $30mil for the Cup of Souls.

We skip forward to the next scene. Back at the Computer Store

Recently hired new guy Maliki Ivan Jones has recently started his shift at the cash register. Then suddenly a Nun and two Catholic School Girls walk inside the store. With beaming smiles they walk up to the register each carrying a bag that says Donations. Maliki remembers his training and takes $10 out of the register and gives to one of the girls. Then he says he will check the back room. There may be some stuff back there. As he is about to go to the back he suddenly realizes where he has seen the Nun before. As his eyes travel over to the wanted poster by the cash register so too does the Nun’s.

She is infuriated and upset. She tears the poster off and stomps on it while muttering curses. This action draws the attention of store regular Felix Von Messor. Felix immediately calls the number on the poster and reports the incident. Immediately government looking cars and people in black suits & sunglasses are pouring out of cars. Felix sees all this and runs. Grabs Maliki’s hand and says get in the back and take cover.

About this time Reginald has pulled up to the computer store. It was the last place the Cup of Souls was seen. What he sees is a lot of government agents types preparing to raid the store. Reginald enters the store on the pretense he is there to buy the hot new PC Game Title.

The Nun is standing in the middle of the store, tapping her foot with a hand on her hip. She seems very upset and is waiting to talk to the manager of the Men in Black that have entered the store. A gentleman in a gray suit steps out of a computer monitor and begins having a conversation with the Nun. The Catholic School Girls are watching the Nun talk to the Man in the Grey Suit.

Felix and Maliki on not hearing gun fire stick their heads out to see what is going on. Store Employee Maliki sees a customer – Reginald steps up to the Cash Register. Maliki’s Training takes over and he approaches the Cash Register. Reginald ask him where the games are and is directed to a shelf of games.

While Reginald peruses the game titles. The shorter of the Catholic School Girls walks over to the shelf and then suddenly leans forward and sniffs Reginald. Almost like a curious dog or wolf would.

This causes Reginald to step back shocked by such behavior. The girl flashes a mischievous and knowing smile at Reginald.

Meanwhile the Nun has stopped talking to the Grey Man and together they approach the Cash Register and Maliki. The Grey Man begins demanding to go inspect the back room of the store. Maliki puts out a hand to stop him. Informs him that it is Employees Only. Even points to the sign on the door.

The Nun Lady observes this and she steps forward to apparently go in the forbidden back room. She waves her hand and says I have authority to enter. For those that can sense or see such things a whole lot of magic just went off.

Maliki says You are not an Employee. For those that can observe does some magic himself.

The Nun takes a step back and takes a quick glance at her watch. Then she smiles and winks at Maliki.

Unknown to the players Rhodo who has been watching the back of the store. Upon on all the activity in the front of the store. Well he sent a Net Spider to the Nuns Watch to type out the message. I entered the back of the store. Observing most curious individual. Situation is normal. I got it in hand boss.

All this time in the back of the store Felix has been setting up equipment and hacking into the security system and recording cell phone id and activity. He sees Simon out front of the store talking with the Men in Black. Then he becomes aware of a Bird Like Man watching him. The Bird Man is about 7ft tall and is covered in jet black feathers. Upon being detected the bird man extends a wing / arm and takes a coffee cup off the shelf. Then takes a dagger and pricks his finger letting 3 drops of blood fall into the coffee cup. Winks at Felix and then suddenly fly’s off / disappears.

Felix’s attention is divided between the bird man and watching Simon the Store Owner outside talking with the Men in Black.

Unfortunately Felix does not see Simon get into one of the cars with the Men in Black. The Men in Black Suit Guys appear to be leaving the store. Reginald purchases his game. He notices they are leaving and is thinking of leaving as well.

Stop here for now and cut over to Franco V and Medusa.

Franco V has been contacted by a Malkavian Anarch who claims to have found the wallet of Murdered Sebastian V. A price is negotiated as well as a meeting spot. The dumpster behind Church’s Chicken will serve as the meeting spot.

Franco and Medusa decide to take a Uber Black to the meet up. They decide to dine on the Uber Driver. They do not kill him. Just snacking. (later in Session 5 they make roles to see if they have contracted Covid).

The meet goes down and Franco gets the wallet. Immediately he uses Auspex to see the last images of Sebastian V. He is inside a van and sees a face he does not know. Then hears a voice he knows. Then Sebastian is thrown out of the van. As he is dying exposed to sunlight, he is able to throw his wallet into some bushes.

Franco shares the information with Medusa and they head home.

Back at the store Felix comes out from the back and has a talk with the Grey Suit Man. Those School Girls buy some games and have a conversation with Reginald. During this the Grey Man and the last of the Men in Black leave the store.

Suddenly the Catholic School Girls change shape into large Prehistoric Looking Folk. This causes Maliki to go running out of the store. After a few steps Maliki feels like he is being followed. He finds his car and starts driving. Slowly he becomes aware a Blonde Woman is filling the passenger seat. He decides to keep driving and pretend this is normal.

She tells him to her name is Priscilla and she is of the Order of Euthanatos. She tells him they took Simon and most likely will inject him with a fake vaccine. She tells him to go back to the store and she will be in touch. Priscilla then leans over and kisses him and disappears.

Maliki returns to the store apparently only Regular Customer Felix is still there. Maliki ask Felix where is Simon the Store Owner? Felix calls Simon’s Phone. In short they find out the number has been reassigned by Verizon.

An upset and angry Felix contacts the Grey Man Agent 003. During the conversation it is agreed that Simon will be returned to the store. Unfortunately he has been vaccinated per Covid Procedures.

Shortly Simon is dropped off by a Lyft Driver out front of the store. Something does not seem right. Felix uses Auspex to check out Simon and notices a strange black worm like thing swirling around in his aura.

Session #4 - End

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