Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Session #3 1/15/21 - A Scare at the Circle K

 Session #3 1/15/21 - A Scare at the Circle K

Making a First Appearance

Reginald the Senior – Very Old Ghoul of Clan Lasombra. He is so old he does not remember his birthday. He is respected for his age & experience. Often seen as the top ghoul in the pecking order. The Anarch Council knows a task placed in Reginald’s Care will be done and professional. This evening he has been asked to go see if Evelyn needs some help. Do assist if possible.

So near the end of Session #2 Mike Walters got a message from his only surviving mortal family member. His Niece is apparently in trouble. Her pack is going to battle. They have no choice but to fight the toxic polluters. They are releasing a virus. She was told if she ever was in serious trouble to contact him.

After the battle is over from Session 2. He ask Franco V to back him up he has to see about something. It might get rough. Franco V agrees to go with Mike Walters.

The address she gave takes them to a burnt down strip mall. They find some werewolves fighting some people. One of the wolves goes down. Mike makes haste getting out of the car and into action. Franco V uses Obfuscate and exits the vehicle slowly taking in the surroundings. Another wolf goes down and yet another is thrown some distance away. Mike is sure that is his niece.

Mike hurries over to his niece. Before he can get there a big werewolf comes to her side. Apparently getting ready to pick her up. Mike and the werewolf argue over who is rescuing her.

The group fighting the wolves is charging at them. Mike and the werewolf decide to have this argument elsewhere. The werewolf steps sideways and enters the umbra. Mike uses his magic phone to enter the umbra. Then they speed off towards the mountains.

This whole time Franco V is studying the corpse of a fallen werewolf while safely Obfuscated from view. The werewolves & Mike Walters stop at a clearing up in the mountains. The werewolf says there is an old healer at this place. Mike satisfied she will live takes off heading back towards Franco V. All this travel took place in the Umbra so it only took a little over a minute.

Franco is just observing the aftermath of the battle and transformation of some of the fallen werewolves from monstrous beast to humans. Then Mike Walters steps out of the shadows and says we have to go now. They jump in the car and get out of there.

On the freeway Mike Walters sees a Hells Angel Gang Member Pulled over and getting taken down by Several Highway Patrolmen. He guns the car and drives into the two patrol bikes. Franco V fires off some rounds from his Glock in the air. This is America you Pigs! The Hells Angel gets away.

Meanwhile at the Zoetrope Society Theater (Site of Session 2’s Big Battle). Evelyn has nominated JJ for site cleanup duty. As JJ rolls up his sleeves in walks Reginald. The two exchange pleasantries as Reginald sees Evelyn. As Reginald takes in the scene Evelyn excuses herself from the theater.

Reginald gets a call from his current Master. After the call Reginald decides he has to go to a hospital and see what's going on with a patient there.

Reginald arrives at the hospital and finds the patient. Some questions are asked nicely. Some question are asked not so nicely. In the end Reginald is stumped. He has decided that he needs to talk to the Children of Set.

Mike Walters and Franco V decide they need to get the car off the road. They find a Circle K. About this time JJ calls. He is helping Reginald get in touch with the Setite Elder Franco V.

Soon everyone is shopping inside the Circle K. Then 3 armed men storm inside the store demanding money! JJ wins initiative and uses a Dread Gaze on them.

The armed men and the cashier run away out of the store. Mike Walters chases down the leader of the armed men. He tackles him down to the ground and forces him to drink some blood. Makes a ghoul out of the man. Mike tells him to come back to this spot tomorrow night. Mike walks over to a tree and uses Protean – Earth Meld to spend the morning at the park.

Back at the store JJ continues shopping while Franco V and Reginald talk. Presently the store clerk walks back in trying to act like she was just outside on a break. Franco V and Reginald head off towards the Setite Mansion in the hills. JJ drives off to see his squeeze Carla.

-Session #3 End

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