Monday, January 18, 2021

Diablerie Handbook – Guidebook to Amaranth

 Diablerie Handbook – Guidebook to Amaranth

A little guidebook of Sabbat / Kindred Lore that floats around in game from time to time.

#1 You must consume every last drop and draw the soul of the victim into your body.

#2 Do not be on the path of Humanity – If you follow the Path of Humanity you will permanently loose 1d10+1 points of humanity. If that put you in the negatives? Well ummmm.

If you follow a Path of Enlightenment you will check the List of Sins – maybe make some die rolls and or spend some Willpower Points.

#3 You will gain some Infamy and Camarilla Hatred. If you already got that? You just got more of it. Citizens of the World of Darkness Will Know. Diablerie and Secrecy do not go together. DO NOT EVER THINK YOU CAN JUST HIDE THIS AWAY. Note once may lead to a second. A second may lead to a third. 3X’s you are a confirmed addict! See you at group!

#4 So you just took a foreign soul into your body. It may be getting a little crowded in there? It is generally assumed the act of Diablerie knocked the soul of the consumed out of action from 1 to 1000 years. At some point it will wake up and want to fight.

#5 In this book are secrets and techniques to winning the war for continued control of your body. Time tested and proven techniques by your brothers and sisters at the Sabbat.

Level 2 Thaumaturgic Ritual

-Heart Balm

Gives the receiver of the balm the Merit Calm Heart for 2d10 days. If the subject already has the Merit. Instead of lowering difficulties by 2 it lowers them by 3. *Must cut chest open and apply directly on subject’s heart. May be left with a permanent scar. *To create must be made under a full moon. Must have Thaumaturgy of at least 2. Will need fresh lamb’s / goats heart + fresh flour, sea salt, aconite, alfalfa, allspice, fresh apricots, aspen, bay leaf, & olive oil. Mash it all together. Need 2 Successes on Craft + Manipulation Roll with target 6 to create. 2 Successes on Medicine + Dexterity Roll target 7 to apply.

Level 3 Thaumaturgic Ritual

-Strength of the Will Potion

Gives whoever drinks the potion a minus 2 to all Willpower Rolls for 1d10 Days. *To Create Must have at least 3 rating in Thaumaturgy. Will need Fresh blood of a Virgin Young Woman, Fresh Blood of a Veteran Warrior, Black Cohosh, and Celery Seed. Mash it up good and sing a song to Caine. Performance + Wits Roll target 7 – 4 success needed. Potion shelf life equals months of makers Thaumaturgy Rating.

Level 4 Thaumaturgic Ritual

-Amulet of Will

Gives whoever posses it a little willpower piggy bank. -Put 2 blood in & store or take out 1 willpower. *To Create Must have Thaumaturgy Rating of at least 4. Will need a cheap jewelry amulet, + 4 Kindred Blood, +2 Blood of a Chimera (if you do not know what that is – then you do not have a Level 4 in Thaumaturgy), +1pt of Sorcerer Blood (human spell caster – not a ghoul). Mix it up and feed it to the amulet under the Moon Light of March 20th (if you do not know why -please do not try this). Yes this can only be created once a year. Need 4 Successes Occult + Manipulation target 7 to create. Failure = Permanent loss of 1 Willpower Point. Maximum amount of Willpower stored equals the makers current willpower rating +1. Duration ???? Seems to last until broken / destroyed. For rules on possession see NFL Rules on Possession of Foot Ball. Don’t fumble friend.

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