Friday, February 5, 2021

Session #5 Played 1/29/21 – The RAID


Session #5 Played 1/29/21 – The RAID

The recently vaccinated Simon the Computer Store Owner is sent home and Maliki announces the store is closing.

Felix offers Maliki a lift home. As they pull up they see a strange black van with the name of some Goth Punk Band spray painted on the side. They get a little closer to Maliki’s Mansion (it’s a really large and well to do house) they notice the front door is wide open. Maliki and Felix see the Butler tied to a column and wearing pink panties on his head. The duo untie the butler who is muttering they are Evil. They are barbarians!.

They enter the house and are immediately greeted by a 5’4” Japanese Girl wielding a giant electric guitar. Behind her are several stacks of guitar amps. One of the men says Cease and Desist. The young lady shouts By Fan Request Cease and Desist! She begins wailing out an extremely fast and loud song on the guitar.

Maliki has been image searching on his phone and finds out the young lady is Midori a relatively successful extreme guitar artist. He finds out she is also a Manga Artist and draws herself as a Guitar Playing / Sword Wielding Anti Hero in an Underground Manga. Apparently the guitar hides a magic sword. Maliki decides to start live streaming her playing on his phone. All the while Felix is tripping balls. He used Auspex to check out a Cultist of Ecstasy Mage while said mage is using a magic focus. He is getting an acid trip that would make Timothy Leary jealous.

Maliki gets an upstairs bedroom alarm text on his phone. He shakes Felix out of it and says Upstairs! Decides to leave the phone so that it can keep live streaming the show. It has a decent amount of viewers.

They enter the bedroom and see a young lady with purple dreadlocks bouncing on the bed. Apparently she is wearing nothing but one of Maliki’s Star Wars T Shirts. She notices them and says Hi my name is Git R’ Done Jackson. Then she take a big leap up in the air. Maliki instantly puts out his hand and Force Grabs her in mid air. He gently lands her on the floor.

Suddenly the bathroom door fly’s open. Out steps Priscilla Pris Death Kiss the blonde from the car earlier. She is dressed in camo fatigues with layers of guns, knives, grenades, and ammo. She sees Maliki and says Is it just you two? Where is your Strike Team? Listen we are the diversion team and you guys are the heroes who make the swap. Swap this the real cure vaccine for the fake cursed vaccine at the enemy base. Get on your phone get your team here. Oh the client is paying us this time $75K each. These guys are serious. The already took out a whole werewolf strike team the other night.

We cut to JJ Jenkins who has been trying to set up a meeting with the Church Investigation Team. He believes a peaceful resolution can be achieved. He is directed to a hotel to meet with them. The door is open. Inside passed out and clutching a wine bottle tightly to her chest is a nun lying on the bed. He taps her gently trying to wake her. Nothing but snoring. He shakes her again a little more violently and finally gets her to wake up. She informs him they have a job to do. Tells him all about the plan to steal the fake cursed vaccine and swap it for a the good one. She hands him 75K and they contact the others. JJ arranges to go grab a burner car. The Nun said in addition the Church will drop the investigation and forget about everything. Astrid and her Vargulf Gang will be sent somewhere else to cause trouble.

The others had made contact and recruited Reginald and Medusa to go on this mission. They all meet up just down the road from the Target Site. Plans are made and remade.

The Blonde’s Team distracts the security of the complex while JJ leads the others inside to make the swap. Suddenly JJ realizes it is trap. At the same time Reginald makes contact with a really old and low generation Lasombra who is buried deep below their feet. He is not the only one. Medusa is barely able to hold off the beast and going after the blood of the weakened old Lasombra. Her Diablerist Anonymous Meetings paid off and she is able to resist the urges. JJ says F this and goes makes the swap.

Heading back to their vehicles they become aware of a squad of soldiers milling around. Their officer has taken out a camera and it trying to take pictures. Reginald does a thing and makes the camera lens black. Maliki uses the Force to draw their pistols and have them aimed at the soldiers. This sort of works. The soldiers are neutralized and the gang gets away. Looking back they see lots of devastation from the other team. Reginald is contacted by the Ancient Lasombra that was trapped. It got out and owes him.

Now what was Franco V up to this whole time. Well he got the Covid. A mild case. He was contacted by Akmed Abdullah an Old Child of Set and ally. Akmed tells him has 999 Swords put in place to take revenge. We just need a target. Franco V tells him. Akmed agrees but wants to renew blood bonds first. He will be in town tomorrow night.  Set will have his vengeance. 

Thus Ends Session 5

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