Tuesday, February 9, 2021

New Thaumaturgy Power of Mirrors and Reflections


Thaumaturgy Power of Mirrors and Reflections

* Reflexio Contrarotulus (Reflection Control)                                                                      

Thaumaturgist can control or alter a reflection or image in a mirror, lens, plane of glass.  The Thaumaturgist can use a prepped reflective surface for remote viewing Occult + Manipulation Diff 7 –  must be in view of Thaumaturgist or the mirror / reflective surface at target location has been prepped with a drop of Thaumaturgist blood it last 31 days. Pool of standing water or sheet of glass 1 drop of Blood for up to 6’ x 8’. Running water, ragging river, or surf 3 drops for up to 3’ diameter area. Viewing through moving water or controlling an image in moving water is Diff 10. Great Masters can edit what the finest digital cameras can capture. The Thaumaturgist must be at least 1 dot higher than a targets Obfuscate to see them in a mirror.

** Catoptromanticks (Mirror Divination)                                                                                    Thaumaturgist can use a mirror / reflective surface for divination / ask simple questions.                   Roll Willpower Diff 8 – need 4 or more success needed / alternate permanently spend Willpower Point.

*** Speculum Peritia (Mirror Great Skill)                                                                                           Same as Level 1 Reflexio Contrarotulus but can now communicate 2 way and use Kindred Disciplines (Auspex, Dominate, Quietus, Presence, Animalism, Serpentis, Obtenebration, Obfuscate, Thaumaturgy, Chimerstry, and Necromancy) Any power in which speaking to or simply seeing the target is enough. If touch is required to target it will not work.

**** Repercussus Iter (Mirror Journey)                                                                                Thaumaturgist can travel to a location using the first 3 dots of this power to see / visualize. They must be able to see the location clearly.  *Requires 1 round of undisturbed viewing and then Perception +Empathy and the Target 6.

***** Speculum Carcer (Mirror Prison)                                                                                            Imprison any person, animal, or supernatural being in a mirror / reflective surface.  Must be able to clearly view target with powers * to ***.  Need 1 round of Viewing Clearly. Then spend 1 Blood Point and Roll Occult + Strength and Target Equals Targeted Subjects Current Willpower Rating +1. *** After 24hrs the Imprisoned Subject may attempt to break free – Roll Their Willpower and the Target Equals the Spell Casters Willpower at time of spell casting + 2. (note it down) Needs 4 Success and the usual carryover for attempts does not apply. Subject could be imprisoned until reflective surface is physically destroyed or if water the 31 Days expires.

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