Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Thaumaturgy Art of Alchemy


Thaumaturgy Art of Alchemy

* Minor Potions – These are simple creations that are slightly stronger than their normal counterparts. May heal 1 level of Bash Damage. Example Perfume or lipstick that add 1 dot to Appearance. Example Hang Over Cure that works.

Mechanics Applicable Knowledge Ability usually Medicine + Intelligence. Target between 6 to 8. Common ingredients $2 to $50.

** Intermediate Mystical Potions – With this level the Thaumaturgist may invest powers from * to ** from other Disciplines the Thaumaturgist or Donor has into a concoction. Example creates a potion that gives Auspex ** to whoever drinks it. Create a Potion that gives whoever drinks it Dominate * could be made. Mechanics this takes 3 to 8 rounds depending on how many Disciplines are invested. Take note and write down success total. For the success total shall be conveyed to whoever imbibes the potion. Each Discipline must have at least 2 success to be invested into a potion. Cost or ingredients may range from $100 to $1000.

*** Create Greater Potions

1. Miracle Healing (Subject can not be damaged more than Crippled)

2. Transmute Lead to Gold (last 7 months)

3. Flying (last 2 hours)

4. True Love (as per the merit / flaw last 7 days)

5. Change of Luck

6. Invisibility (last 4 hours)

7. Super Heroism / Beserker Potion

8. Elixir of Power

9. Polymorph to Must include hair, claw, or feather of creature (last 24hrs)

10 Potion of Gaseous Form

11. Potion of Spirit Control (last 24hr)

12 Potion of Umbral Travel

13 Potion of Rapid Plant Growth & Control (last 7days)

14 Potion of Minor Divinations

15 Potion of Animal Control (last 8hr)

16 Potion of Fae Summoning (Summons a Commoner Fae for up to 12hr d10+2)

17 Potion of Protection from Wood / Stake (36hrs)

18 Potion of Iron Will (last 7 days)

Reverses of many of these can be made

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 to determine how many hours to brew. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 6 with minimum 2 Success for every hour. Every hour of brew +2 = months potion shelf life.

Duration = 10 minutes for imbibers Stamina + Willpower unless stated other.

Cost of ingredients $1000 to $5,000 per hour to brew.

**** Potions of Legends

1. Cheat Death (Subject can not be more than 24hr deceased)

2. Animate Dead (Duration 1d10+2 Days)

3. Temporary Mortality (Vampire can become mortal for up 48hrs)

4. Mummy Control (Mummy must be within sight of Imbiber – Duration is up to 72hrs)

5. Intermediate Mystical Potion Permanence (Drink Intermediate Mystical Potion + this one)

6. Potion of Reincarnation (Spin the Wheel of Fortune and immediately be reborn anew)

7. Potion of Demon or Angel Summoning (up to 8hr)

8. Potion of Elemental Summoning (24hr duration)

9. Potion of Dragon Summoning (duration unknown)

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 +8 to determine how many hours to brew. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 7 with minimum 2 Success for every hour. Every hour of brew +2 = years potion shelf life.

Duration = 1hr for imbibers Stamina + Willpower unless stated other.

Cost of ingredients $5000 to $25,000 per hour to brew.

***** Grand Master Alchemist

1. Create Philosophers Stone (??????)

2. Create Golem (create as ghoul npc +3 Disciplines Dots & Stamina 8)

3. Create Homunculi (create as a ghoul npc + 9 Discipline Dots, Stamina 6 & Intelligence 6)

4 Living Sword (Lives for 100yrs – Att is 12 die, Diff is -1, Dam is 7, #Attacks 3)

5. Create Ambrosia (permanent)

Mechanics – Storyteller will roll d10 to determine how many years to create. Thaumaturgist will spend 1 Blood + Roll Alchemy Thaumaturgy Rating Die + Occult Skill and beat Target of 9 with minimum 2 Success for every month. Every month of work +2 = century creations shelf life.

Cost of ingredients $250,000 to $3,000,000 per year to create.

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