Sunday, January 10, 2021

Vampire WOD Game 1 Recap 12/18/20


Vampire Game 1 Recap 12/18/20

Storyteller me – Mordenkainendogpissbeer

Franco V – Old World Follower of Set who has come to America to avenge the murder of his 

            Childer Sebastian V. - Local Follower of Set who a few weeks ago was thrown 

            out of the back of a van on a bright sunny day. It is unknown who did it and why.

Tai Makara – Not Human / Not Kindred – very old – Associates and befriends many 

            Kindred. Most notable Sebastian V. Now working with Franco V seeking revenge 

            for Sebastian V.

Mike Walters – Clan Gangrel – Eco Warrior and sometimes works for Evelyn Portia 

            Owlinski the local Anarch War Councilor as a cleaner / mercenary.

NPC Evelyn Portia Owlinski – Local Anarch War Councilor – infamous for committing 

            Diablerie on a Nosferatu Archon back 2002. Former Sabbat Pack Leader – Now lives 

            in Chino Hills.

NPC Mira Secrets -Unseelie House Eiluned Sluagh Changeling – Official Scribe to Baroness 

            Vita DePlume of House Eiluned – Secretary to the Zoetrope Society of Riverside, Ca

             – Has a reputation in the WOD as being a healer for hire and seller of secrets. Recently 

             started a side business of selling magic / enchanted items. Attends Canyon Lake High 

             School. Mother works for Riverside County District Attorney. Father is Assistant 

             Chancellor of University of California Riverside.

Date Thursday 12/17/20 around 1730hrs. Mike Walters awakens early. He was disturbed in his sleep and had a restless morning. He assumes it was the neighborhood children playing to close to his house again. As he rises from his coffin he is surprised by the smells and sights of a recent bloody battle. Several not human looking things have been carved up and dissected indiscreetly around his coffin. A voice says – Fear not. I’m no enemy of yours. You & I both protect the children. You may not know it but you living here in this neighborhood has afforded protection to the children. Like your kind my kind is hunted. However those hunters are loathe to attract attention of your kind. Thus you keep them away.

A couple of nights ago the kids noticed you were followed home. Then this morning 2 vans pulled up and these things came out. They children ran and fetched me. I slayed them. Long ago my people called these Fomori. My name is Verzon DuLasse Count of House Balor. My sword and I are at your service. Mike was busy taking this all in and studying the equipment of the dead creatures.

I suggest we both immediately begin moving. There will undoubtedly be more than 2 vans of these things. It is a shame we never got to know each other as neighbors.

Mike took the advice and began planing to burn and run to a safe house. Just starts settling into the safe house / flop motel when his phone begins ringing. It is Evelyn Owlinski.

She tells him that she needs him asap. An airliner coming in from China was supposed to land at LAX. However it was being diverted to Ontario Airport. Then as it was beginning to land was diverted to March Air Force Base Landing Strip leased out to a small air freight shipping company. On board was an Artifact of Interest that was recovered from a Pyramid in China. The Archaeologist is a member of Clan Gangrel.

Meanwhile across the Valley in the La Sierra South District of Riverside, CA Franco V receives a frantic call from from Mira Secrets his Contact / Ally. She is sobbing & crying on the phone as she ask for his help. Her BFF the Baroness Vita De Plume of House Eiluned has been kidnapped! This time Mira is afraid it is real. This time it is not a game of hers. She is over her head. These people will kill her.

Mira is distressed as the kidnappers keep insisting that Mira trade them the Cup of Souls for the Baroness. Mira tells Franco that she has no idea what the Cup of Souls is or where it could be. However the kidnappers are adamant that she has it and should give it to them. They want to do an exchange at 9:30pm at the Mission Inn of Riverside.

Franco agrees to help. He rounds up Tai Makara to go with him. They jump in a convertible 2019 Mustang and head over to pick up Mira.

Meanwhile the other team while driving around in Evelyn’s 3 Axle AMG Mercedes Truck heads to March Air Force Base. They have obtained fake paperwork to get them on to the base. The plan seems to work as the guards let them in. They spot the passenger liner as it sticks out from the cargo planes. Evelyn drives up close to the plane. The party hopes there are under-hatches they can get inside the plane. Luck is with them and they do this.

Inside the plane Evelyn uses Mask of Thousand Faces to hopefully appear as an Air Line Official or Stewardess just checking the seats. They find the seat the Gangrel was supposed to be sitting in. Mike grabs a backpack from the overhead bin and Evelyn grabs a waist pack tucked in to the seat. Mike had to crawl down the aisle on his belly.

On the way out of the aircraft they see the AMG 6x6 has new friends with swirling red & blue lights. Evelyn tells Mike we have to take them out. I got the far one on the count of 3. They pop claws and use Celerity to rush up on the Officers in the vehicles and take them out quickly.

Wasting no time they jump in the AMG 6x6 and drive towards the exit at a normal speed. As soon as they are off base Mike jumps out of the AMG 6x6 and carjacks a Hyundai Sedan. Everyone gets in the new car. Evelyn abandons her AMG 6x6.

They get on the freeway and take one last scan to see if followed. Notice a strange dark shadow following the car. They form a hasty plan to pull over at the next gas station and set an ambush.

The werewolf. Yes it was a werewolf rips the back end of the car off in one swipe of it’s claws.

Mike blast it with a shotgun at point blank range. Evelyn’s two other goons blast it with Glock 19’s and Evelyn’s herself rakes the beast with her own claws. It’s dead Jim.

Evelyn carjacks another ordinary Honda Accord. (I felt I was running GTA at this point) They all pile in. Mike gets in the back seat. Takes a look inside the back pack. Finds some loot. Most interesting is what appears to be a laptop shrunk down to fit in the palm of a person’s hand. He opens it and pushes the power button. The micro laptop powers up.

Mira in the backseat has begun laying out Tarot Cards. She does not seem to like the answers the cards are giving her. She holds up the Knight of Swords and says – we have to go see someone I do not want to go see. Mira cast a Hopscotch Spell and sends the car into the deep Umbra. Everyone has to jump out of the car before it crashes into a moat. Before them is a giant black castle. Trumpets sound and a Black Knight in Full Armor comes riding out on a great black horse.

Mira hails the Knight and they talk. Mira makes a deal with the Knight. She seems distraught over this deal and very worried. The Knight introduces himself as the Barron of Black Castle. He has a plan to make a switch with a fake Cup of Souls. First they need to go see someone who can possibly find out more about this thing.

So as the Micro Laptop is powering up they hear it say – Security Retrieval Program Initiated. Mike and company find themselves whisked into the umbra as the laptop pulls the car they are inside of into the Umbra. While they are in shock and wondering what to do the car quickly arrives out front of a nondescript strip mall. There is a store with a sign Electronics & Computers. A nerdy looking fellow comes out of the store.

He introduces himself as Simon Haltech Techno Sorcerer. He ask if they have the Cup & the Sword. Some banter goes back and forth. The party learns that there is supposed to be the soul of a Mummy bound in the cup. This was done over a 1000 years ago. It is lost to time if it was Horus or Set who bound the soul in the cup.

The other team with the Black Knight Barron shows up. Everyone is agreeing to work together and make a trade for the fake cup they made from pics provided by Simon.

That concludes Session 1

1 comment:

  1. This was a great intro session. Cannot believe the battle at the gas station
