Monday, January 11, 2021

Session #2 played 1/8/21 Recap Report


Session #2 1/8/21 Recap Report

New Characters Enter the Story

Jason Stone - Tremere - Karen’s Bloodline. He is a martial artist driven by a desire to invent a new study of magic. In need of funding for the expensive items his research demands. He is forced to sale his skills. He seeks patronage of the War Councilor Evelyn.

James JJ Jenkins - Childer of Carter Nolles aka James Bond – Clan Brujah. Driven by a need to outdo and be more infamous than Carter Nolles in the Spy Game. Known to take any job as long as it is flashy and fame worthy.

NPC Carla Del Toro Daddy would not let her be a race car driver. No track well there is always the street. Girl has to go fast. Rumors abound of her renting out her skills as a get-a-way driver for hire.

NPC Fernando De La Salle Former Sabbat Pack Leader and typical Lasombra Power Mad. Lately controversy and rumors float around of his back stabbings. Perhaps he has gone to far? Many say his time is now short. He seems desperate for money for a kindred.

Out front of the Electronics & Computers Store at an average strip mall USA. Several elite citizens of the World of Darkness are making a plan. The Black Night Barron and Mira Secrets urge the others. They insist that any plan of action must involve luring the kidnappers off the Mission Property. They say the kidnapped Baroness suffers from Echoes. These Echoes will make it dangerous to rescue her.

Two New Kindred show up JJ the Spy and Jason Stone the Tremere. Jason senses that a Tremere will be needed. JJ is drawn to the action and is miffed that someone diverted the airliner he had arranged to land at Ontario Airport instead of LAX.

Jason notices that his friend Mira Secrets is not so well and they discuss her condition. Jason is able to help her by forming 2 gumball size glowing balls of quintessence (raw magic energy). While doing so he takes note that this Computer Store is actually a chantry house. What type of sorcerer, or mage would have a computer shop? Jason’s contemplation is interrupted by the gift of an orichalcum nail from Mira Secrets for helping her.

Just as it seems they have finally worked out a plan. A joker has been drawn from the deck. Fernando De La Salle resident Lasombra has shown up. He walks right up to Fernando V and offers to sell him the Cup of Souls for $7m. This shakes things up a bit. Fernando does some quick figuring and is short by a lot. The others look to Evelyn who is just studying Fernando. A bored Mira decides to have some fun and puts a love spell on JJ. She puts an image of the Baroness into his head.

The Dark Knight Barron steps forward and gives Fernando his price and one of his Squire’s takes possession of the Cup of Souls. Fernando immediately drives off in a hurry.

Tai Makara realizes time is getting short and comes up with a wild & daring plan of action. JJ and Mike Walters are onboard. Soon everyone else is going for it.

Unfortunately for me the party is split in 3 now. Some going with Mira Secrets to her Zoetrope Society Theater down the street from the Mission Inn. Mike Walters seeking for some place to pull a diversion and set off a fire alarm. Tai Makara and JJ make a plan to rescue the Baroness from her kidnappers.

The big plan is while the distraction and fire alarm has their attention. JJ & Tai will step out of the Deep Umbra and grab her. Then either step back into the Deep Umbra or just run like hell.

Meanwhile Jason is using Tremere Stuff to lock the theater up tight. Only 1 way in & out. They are unsure of what or who the kidnappers are. So best to be prepared for anything. It is assumed the kidnappers will follow the rescuers back to the theater.

Mike Walters finds two guard looking dudes lounging just outside one of the possible exits for the Music Room where the Baroness is most likely being held. He is standing in the Garden of Bells Courtyard. It is called that because there are a lot of big loud bells here. He is in the Umbra but is just able to get a few of the bells moving and ringing. This is causing a magnificent distraction. Mike casually pulls a nearby fire alarm just for finishing touches. He decides he better get going to the theater asap.

Tai and JJ find the Baroness and her Kidnappers in the Music Room. They notice they are not human while observing the kidnappers from the Deep Umbra. They note the ringing bells and fire alarm and decide the time is now. JJ grabs the Baroness and while trying to cover her Tai gets tackled from a diving Fomori Monster. The baddies have transformed into four armed three legged grotesque giants. Tai suffers a bruise but is otherwise okay. JJ prepares to defend the Baroness.

The Baroness has decided that she is no longer a victim but a hero now. Takes on her Knight Aspect and hits the enemy with all her beauty & rage. This overwhelming charisma attack sends the enemy cowering into various corners & whimpering.

Tai activates his magic ring and pulls the other two into the Deep Umbra. They head to the Zoetrope Theater.

Back at the theater everyone prepares for a retaliation attack form the Fomori. The Fomori Monsters do not disappoint and three Giant Foul Beast Attack. With greater numbers and mighty head chopping blow from Tai the party defeats the monsters. Soon as the battle is over the Dark Knight Barron and his Squire’s depart through magical means. Quickly followed by the Baroness and Mira.

Session 2 has come to an End!

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